Welcome to Olivet Kids!

Our hope is for kids to feel welcome and connected to the community of Olivet and to create an opportunity for kids to know Jesus Christ.  As followers of Christ at Olivet, we are commited to growing in our love for God and others - and this applies to all ages.  Plus, we hope the kids have fun!  

  • Our Olivet Kids program is for kids ages 4 through Grade 5.
  • You can check in the kids before the service begins at either entrance to the sanctuary.  Please ask a Welcome Team member for help finding the check in spots if you can't find them.  The check in information asks for the child's name, age, name of parent(s) or guardian(s) authorized to check them out, and any allergies or info we might need. 
  • Your child will start off the morning in the sanctuary with you, until the announcement before the sermon, inviting them to follow the Olivet Kids facilitator into the Olivet Kids room. 
  • If you haven't checked in your kid before the service, please accompany them to the Olivet Kids room to check them in at that time and you can meet the Olivet Kids facilitators for the morning.
  • All kids need to be checked out by the adult(s) indicated on the check in form at the end of the service.
  • For kid who will regularly participate in our Olivet kids program, we need a parent or guardian to complete a registration form (one for each child).  You can access one below, or pick up and complete one from the Olivet kids facilitator.  
  • There is no supervision for toddlers and infants at this time. The Toddler room is available for you to watch the service while your child plays. There is also parent’s room with change table at the back of the sanctuary and a change table in the washroom upstairs by the gym. 
  • For the summer months, we like to give our regular Olivet Kids volunteers a break!  Instead you can expect a time in our worship gathering when we have a kids feature and then the kids are welcome to join in a supervised playtime in the gym.  Check-in and check-out procedures are the same as during the rest of the year.

We look forward to partnering with you to help your child know Jesus and grow in their love for God and people.